Octa Garden systems from India has nothing to do with Tower Garden® systems!
Beware of scam!
hamarikrishi.com maliciously uses “Tower Garden system” on their website to promote illegally their Octa Garden systems.
Tower Garden® is a registered brand and Octa Garden has nothing to do with our technology. They are just using our name illegally to promote their knockoff towers. By using Tower Garden systems (before their own name) they aim at getting indexed by Google and YouTube, thus benefiting illegally from our name brand recognition. In fact, they also have used the name Tower Garden in the description of their YouTube video.
We are reporting this trademark infringement situation to the legal department of Google Inc. and YouTube and Facebook.
Furthermore, we summon Mr. Abhishek Sharma to cease and desist using Tower Garden® on their website/YouTube/ Facebook and other social media.
So far, we have been unsuccessful trying to resolve this situation amicably with Hamari Krishi aka Octa Systems aka Abhishek Sharma asking them to refrain from using the name Tower Garden. Phone calls/messages are not returned. However, when pretending to be a customer inquiring about “their” Tower Garden system, we received info right away! Whatever! would you buy a tower from a company which needs to steal the name of someone’s brand?
Fake Tower Garden Scam Alert – Beware – Watch Video:
Fake Tower Garden from China & India
Click Here For More Videos
Screenshot of Hamarikrishi’s Website
We are not reporting the situation because we consider this Indian company as a competitor. We are only reporting them because they are a disgrace to the gardeners and farmers community!
Building a brand like Tower Garden took years of development and hard work.
Stop using our name: Get lost!