In light of the current international situation with the coronavirus, whether it is contained rapidly or not, one of the ripple effects of covid-19, is that the general public is now fully aware that a pandemic is a reality. People are starting to realize that they better be prepared.
In an area under lockdown, when full cities get quarantined, as food availability becomes a challenge, it is obvious that individuals owning one or a few Tower Garden units are in a better position than those depending on the food supply chain.
We do not sell our technology by scaring the public through such apocalyptic considerations! However, we are just talking about being prepared with food production autonomous solutions. This is what we are all about! This is what the name of our company is all about! In fact, Agrotonomy Corp. is a portmanteau between ‘agronomy’ and ‘autonomy’:
We believe in contributing to redefine the food supply chain current paradigm through autonomous food growing solutions, not just for commercial Tower Farms, but also for the residential sector.
When it comes to aeroponics or hydroponics, there are quite a few systems on the market. However, to our knowledge, only Tower Garden technology offers a full range of solutions for commercial Tower Farms as well as for home-use applications using the same technology and nutrients.
The Tower Garden for home-use is not a toy. It is truly a food-producing machine! Lots of our customers report that not only owning a Tower Garden was an upgrade for their health, but also, a complete change of lifestyle! Aside from the betterment of a diet, producing fresh food autonomously is what Tower Garden can deliver.
Owning a few Tower Garden units is like owning a small farm at home. Ron Finley said, “growing your own food is like printing your money”. During a pandemic lockdown, fresh food becomes the most sought after currency. The time has come for everyone to start printing their own money! Tower Garden technology is synonymous to food security!