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Agrotonomy Tower Farms
Tower Garden & Tower Farms
Distribuidores internacionales de Tower Gardens y Tower Farms aeropónicos
I am 100% sure that the collaboration with Nextend was the best choice we could have made. Nextend turned a highly complex product into a simple but premium user experience.
Trienke van Aartsen
Amper AI
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Agrotonomy Tower Farms
Soluciones Llave en Mano para Invernaderos
If I’ve made one investment that’s truly paid off, it would be paying for Nextend. Love the services that I get from there.
Julian Gruber
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Agrotonomy Tower Farms
Cultivo en Vertical con Aeroponía
Ofrecemos servicios de consultoría para el desarrollo de proyectos
Has been awesome working with you guys, and then deliverables speak for themselves. In general, I have high expectations - and you met them!
Chrissy Sjögren
Zonda Coffee
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Agrotonomy Tower Farms
Cultivo en Vertical Aeropónico en Todo el Mundo
Hemos instalado las primeras Tower Farms en Europa, Asia, África y Oceanía
Has been awesome working with you guys, and then deliverables speak for themselves. In general, I have high expectations - and you met them!
Chrissy Sjögren
Zonda Coffee
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Agrotonomy Tower Farms
Tower Farms Disponibles en Todo el Mundo
Europa, Asia, Oriente Medio, África, América Central y del Sur, y Oceanía
Has been awesome working with you guys, and then deliverables speak for themselves. In general, I have high expectations - and you met them!
Chrissy Sjögren
Zonda Coffee

Agrotonomy Corp.

Agrotonomy Corp. se centra en soluciones de cultivo en vertical para los mercados comercial y residencial.

Somos especialistas en soluciones de cultivo en vertical e invernaderos llave en mano que incluyen formación in situ en inglés, francés y español.

Somos distribuidores internacionales certificados de los sistemas verticales aeropónicos Tower Garden® y Tower Farms.

Agrotonomy Corp. ha instalado las primeras Tower Farms verticales aeropónicas en Europa, Asia, África, Australia, Polinesia y Oriente Medio.

Somos especialistas en el cultivo aeropónico en torre, así como en soluciones de invernadero para climas extremos.

🍓   También somos socios de NGS (New Growing Systems) con sede en Almería, España.   🍓

Juntos, ofrecemos soluciones de vanguardia para el cultivo de fresas en invernaderos y para el cultivo vertical intensivo en interiores (dentro de un edificio con luces LED).

This innovative farming method allows you to grow up to 52 mustard-greens plants in less than 1 square meter #mustardgreens #farming #agriculture #gardening #aeroponics #verticalfarming #hydroponics #soilless ...

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Within a Portuguese school, a vertical farm using 30 aeroponic towers is used as an educational program for students. The purpose of this farm is to connect students to nature through the process of growing food.

This school is known as Dom Luís da Cunha Primary School located in Alvalade.

This initiative was implemented by our partner’s non-profit organization UpFarming

#farming #agriculture #school #portugal #towergarden #verticalfarming #aeroponics #hydroponics #horticulture

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This is the water consumption of an indoor aeroponic tower using LED lights #towergarden #aeroponics #kitchengarden #veticalfarming #homegarden #hydroponics #soilless ...

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Can you grow different types of crops on a single aeroponic tower? #farming #agriculture #verticalfarming #aeroponics #towergarden #hydroponics #gardening #soilless ...

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Wheelbarrow harvesting! #agriculture #farming #gardening #verticalfarming #soilless #aeroponics #hydroponics #wheelbarrow ...

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Aqua Garden is an indoor vertical farm located in Wisconsin, USA and features several hundred aeroponic towers that are integrated into an aquaponic system, where walleye fish play a vital role in providing nourishment to the crops. @aquagardenllc

#aquaponics #aeroponics #verticalfarming #agriculture #farming #soilless #aquaculture #hydroponics

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