It has become increasingly complex, and in many cases impossible, to accommodate people’s requests to visit a Tower Farm.

We have 2.9+ million followers on our social media platforms and receive over 150K visits to our website monthly. We have the most prominent online presence in the world of hydroponics, aeroponics, and CEA! As a result of our online success, we receive an average of 50 to 100 monthly requests from potential customers interested in visiting a Tower Farm.

Receiving that many requests every month makes it almost impossible for us to accommodate people’s wish to visit an existing Tower Farm. Most of our Tower Farm customers are running private projects that are not open to the public. The few Tower Farms occasionally available for our potential customers could never welcome that many visitors.

Our Tower Farm customers are busy farming, selling vegetables, implementing educational programs, etc. We cannot disturb them every day/week/month in order for us to sell more Tower Farms!

Of course, we make exceptions from time to time as we have various partners operating Tower Farms that are sporadically available for visits in the US (Florida, Arizona, and Wisconsin), Europe (Germany, Italy, France, and Spain), Asia (Malaysia and Philippines) and Africa (Kenya and Cape Verde).

In partnership with The Indoor Farms Holding Limited (based in Abu Dhabi, UAE), Agrotonomy Corp is currently building a fully climate-controlled 1,000 m² greenhouse that will host 500 commercial towers. Aside from being the largest Tower Farm outside the UAE, this Tower Farm will dedicate 50 towers for showroom purposes showcasing a wide array of crops.

Qualified prospective customers will be welcome to visit this Tower Farm in Abu Dhabi year-round. We should launch this project by September 2023.

Our Tower Farm is currently being packed for shipping ( 3× 0-foot containers) and should be on its way in a few weeks!

In the meantime, our outdoor Tower Farm in Ibiza is open for visits from April through October.

Although small, this Tower Farm is iconic as it was the first Tower Farm to be set up in Europe!!