On November 8, 2019, Agrotonomy Tower Farms announced the first Tower Farm in Africa coming soon to Kenya!
After quite a few hurdles related to the intricate process of exporting to Kenya, and in spite of COVID-19, a pilot Tower Farm using Tower Garden technology is now thriving in Africa.
Many residents of the Masai Mara have to walk several kilometers daily just to fetch some water. Needless to say, such scarcity of water eliminates most agricultural options leading to malnourishment of these communities.
When looking at the photos which we just received from our clients in Kenya, we are proud to see their crops thriving in Nairobi, so close to the equator.
From South Africa to Nigeria, and from Morocco to Ghana, our goal is to develop water-saving agricultural solutions ‘one tower at a time’!
Stay tuned for an update on the Masai Mara project!