First Tower Farm in French Polynesia coming up soon in Tahiti!

Agrotonomy Tower Farms is proud to announce its partnership with Teva Natura a.k.a. Hotu Ora Farms a.k.a. Mr. Teva Laguerre for the development of Tower Farms in French Polynesia.

The first Tower Farm which will be set up by Hotu Ora Farms, in collaboration with Agrotonomy’s team, will feature 100 aeroponic towers using Tower Garden technology and will be located in Tahiti.

This will be not only the first aeroponic vertical farm in Tahiti, but also, it will be the first Tower Farm in the Oceanic Region. We would like to thank Mr. Teva Laguerre for his initiative and for pioneering Tower Garden’s technology in Polynesia.

Agrotonomy Tower Farms has always had a special commitment towards the development of autonomous agricultural projects located on islands. In fact, the first Tower Farm which we developed outside the USA was located in Ibiza, Spain.

As of today, we are responsible for the existence of Tower Farms in Mallorca, Jamaica, Hawaii, and the Philippines. We are also currently involved with the expansion of Tower Farm projects in the CARICOM region (Antigua, Bahamas, Grenada, and Aruba).

In Tahiti, like with the predicament of most islands around the world, the majority of quality crops grown locally are for exports. Over 80-90% of food-related items are being imported from across the globe! Aside from leading to exorbitant prices which locals cannot afford, the imported fruits and vegetables are weak in nutrient density and filled with chemical sprays of all kinds.

The upcoming inception of Hotu Ora Farms featuring the first Tower Farm in French Polynesia will demonstrate that when thinking out of the box, even for islands as isolated as Tahiti, there are viable autonomous agro-solutions that can be implemented locally.

With a fully automated aeroponic Tower Farm featuring Tower Garden technology, Hotu Ora Farms will be saving an average of 95% water in comparison with conventional farming.

Aside from producing tons of nutrient-dense crops locally, this first Tower Farm in Tahiti will also set up educational programs.

Once again, the whole team of Agrotonomy is congratulating Mr. Teva Laguerre for his pioneer-spirit and his love for Tahiti and French Polynesia: these are the perfect elements for the successful development of Tower Farms from Tahiti to Moorea, and from the Marquesas Islands to Bora Bora!

We are looking forward to contributing to Tower Garden’s brand by developing autonomous fully automated aeroponic Tower Farms in Polynesia. Tahiti, here we come!