Although eggplants take a long time to grow, they produce an excellent crop yield and a superior fruit quality when grown on a Tower Garden.

Considering the weight of the fruits (and yes, eggplants/aubergines are fruits and not vegetables!), we advise you to grow them using the support of a grow-cage.

From our numerous comparative tests between growing eggplants with or without a cage, we have noticed that although the crop yield ended up to be the same, in many cases, the weight of the crop uprooted the stem halfway out of the tower when planted without the support of a grow-cage.

Do not hesitate to plant different varieties of eggplants on the same tower! A combination of purple Japanese eggplants, Thai purple eggplants mingled with bright red eggplants from Turkey, green eggplants from Africa and the traditional Mediterranean eggplant all on the same tower will produce amazing results (visually and culinary!).

If planted indoors, in a greenhouse or in an area lacking bees interaction (like for homes built next to a golf course or rooftops in urban areas), we recommend to ‘hand-pollinate’ your eggplants in an effort to maximize the crop yield (it will make a huge difference). Alternatively,  you may use a blossom set spray.