The Tower Garden aeroponic system for residential use is available in Switzerland For Fr.899. The led light kit for indoor growing costs Fr.369. Such rates include shipping and taxes.

For more information, please visit the Tower Garden section of our website which is available in English but also in French, German and Italian for the convenience of our Swiss customers:

Tower Garden is the perfect gardening solution for growing fruits and vegetables year-round in Switzerland. It can be used outdoors from spring to fall and then brought inside during the cold season. Thanks to its state-of-the-art adjustable led-light-kit which ensures daily harvests during the winter right in your kitchen.

Aside from selling the Tower Garden for home-use in Switzerland, we also offer fully automated commercial Tower Farm systems (minimum 20 towers). 

Tower Farms are being shipped directly from the US as fully automated systems including the irrigation and the dozing equipment which delivers the water and nutrients automatically to each tower on an as-needed basis.

For questions regarding commercial technical specs, shipping, rate options, minimum order requirements, reseller information, water & electricity consumption, space allocation, nutrients quality & usage, labor involved, crop yield, system installation, training, irrigation system, etc., I recommend that you visit the FAQs of the Tower Farm section of our website:

However, it is important to mention that the Tower Garden for home-use is technically the same as an aeroponic tower used in a commercial Tower Farm system. There are only two differences between the residential and commercial Tower Garden models:

– On the Tower Garden residential model, the reservoir at the bottom of the tower is smaller (more adapted for apartments and balconies) and features built-in wheels.  

– The residential model can grow up to 20 plants versus up to 52 plants for the commercial Tower Garden units used in a Tower Farm.

Aside from the two aforementioned differences, the technology, as well as the tower components (and the nutrients), are exactly the same. In other words, in terms of crop quality, the fruit and vegetables grown on the Tower Garden for home-use will produce equal results as the crops grown on the tall aeroponic towers used in a commercial Tower Farm.