Like cauliflowers, aside from being heavy plants to grow vertically, cabbages products massive outer leaves which block the upper and lower planting sections from where the plant is located. 

We advise to plant on the second section of the tower from the bottom rather than using the lowest section.

In fact, depending on the variety, cabbages take 2 to 3 months to grow and produce an enormous volume of roots.

When planting on the lowest section of the tower, roots grow straight into the reservoir and create a DWC situation which must be avoided: 

This variety of cabbage is known as Farao Cabbage and grows extremely well on the Tower Garden®.

Cabbages  growing on the lowest planting section with their roots submerged in the diluted nutrient solution  produce perfect looking plants but they are much less flavorful and less tender than their counterparts growing on the upper sections.  In fact, an aeroponic tower is not a Deep Water Culture since the water + nutrient solution does not get oxygenated in the reservoir like it is the case with a DWC system. This is why it is important not to prevent the roots from being immersed in the nutrient solution.

We recommend planting in the second section (from the bottom) of the tower and as high as in the 4th section. 

Due to their large size, do not plant more than two plants per section and place your seedlings in opposite planting cavities (i.e. either east-west or north-south) .

Although cabbage is generally a  cold season crop, there are quite a few varieties which will thrive in the middle of the summer heat when growing aeroponically on a tower.

Based on our experience, the cabbages which we grow on aeroponic towers are extremely sweet and remarkably flavorful. However, considering how long it takes to grow cabbages and how much space they monopolize, we advise against growing such crop on your tower. Of course, from a gardening perspective, growing cabbages vertically on an aeroponic tower is undeniably a rewarding experience!

A wide range of cabbages grown on our aeroponic Tower Garden® systems. Considering that cabbages take a couple months (sometimes longer) to reach maturity, we advise you to pull them out of the towers after one month and cut the roots as short as 5 inches (12.7 cm) before replanting them into the towers.

It will allow the roots to grow again without producing an overwhelming volume inside the tower which will yield to larger & sweeter crop. Although cabbage is generally a cold season crop, there are quite a few varieties which will thrive in the middle of the summer heat when growing aeroponically on a tower.

We advise to plant on the second section of the tower from the bottom rather than using the lowest section.

Brassica vegetables a.k.a cruciferous vegetables grow amazingly on a Tower Garden. All brassica vegetables grow abundantly on a aeroponic Tower Garden including cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, kale, mustard greens, watercress, collard greens, bok choy, romanesco, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, and more! Learn how to grow hydroponic cruciferous vegetables today!

Learn how to make a delicious cabbage & cilantro salad freshly harvest from our aeroponic Tower Farm. This salad includes cilantro, red onions, tomatoes, and cabbage. The dressing used in this salad is made from lemon, olive oil, garlic, cumin, salt, pepper and a tad of agave syrup.